The First Thing That We All, Especially as Women, Have to Learn Is to Empower Ourselves

Simbi Foundation
4 min readMay 6, 2021


We’re all talking about female empowerment and the ability to give someone power but how do we begin?

During our Masterclass, Reetu Gupta shared some insightful words about what empowerment really is and the first steps toward empowerment.

Reetu Gupta is a change maker, impact investor, CEO of The Gupta Family Foundation, and was selected as one of Canada’s most powerful women: Top 100. She seeks to inspire others, especially leading a powerful impact by elevating other women to empower one another, thrive, and follow their passion.

Learn more about Reetu Gupta here!

Many people talk about female empowerment, but what is it?

Reetu: Historically, women were only seen as nurturing and full of love, but only seen as homemakers. Now that is finally changing. The world is starting to see that women are so much more than that. They’re starting to see that our superpower is love and nurture, and this is how we will continue to rise and empower.

The definition of empowerment is authority or power given to someone to do something. This is wrong. We have to reclassify this because if you’re saying empowerment, this means that we don’t have power and this power has to be given to us. I’m here to tell all of you today, especially the women here, that this power exists within you. This love, light, and the ability to change the world is already within you. Nobody has to give it to you and nobody can take it away. This is so important for us, as women to realize that it’s not about people giving you power, but it’s about knowing that you are powerful.

If we can’t empower ourselves, it will be really difficult to empower others.

One of the ways that we can do this is to help lift and empower each other. How? The first thing that we all, especially as women have to do is to empower ourselves. This is a lot easier said than done. How do you do this? If you were asked to think about someone you admire and list 10 traits of that person, you would probably be able to list more than 10. However, if you were asked to think about the amazing things about yourself and list 10 traits about yourself you think are admirable, you could probably get to three before you start to say things without confidence. Why is it that when the spotlight turns on ourselves suddenly we’re shy and embarrassed to say good things about ourselves?

Think about one trait that you can say about yourself that is powerful. Something you love about yourself. This is how you will empower yourself. You’re here to make a change in the world and you’re here to make a change for yourself. These are amazing traits I want you to own.

It’s important to constantly remember to speak words of power, inspiration, and love to yourself. This is the first step.

There is so much magic and power in the words that you tell yourself. One of the things that Buddha says is what you think you become. I can tell you that for my own path it has been difficult to properly tell myself words of confidence and inspiration, but because I did that, I am who I am today. I’m an Indian, I’m a woman, I grew up in the world of real estate and hospitality, I was always the youngest in the room, the only Brown Girl, and usually the only woman around the boardroom table. But I believed in myself. When you’re able to believe in yourself and able to go down a path with the utmost of conviction, that is when people will also believe in you. If you don’t believe in your own dreams and abilities, it will only be harder for you to go down your path.

That is why I’m telling you how important it is for you to tell yourself words of encouragement, words of love, words of courage, words of kindness, every single day when you wake up. That is the most important way that you will be able to achieve your dreams.

Reetu Gupta’s favourite words of affirmation:

I am too positive to be doubtful, I am too optimistic to be fearful, and I am too determined to be defeated.

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